
Instructions before use

Before using this product, please make sure that the waterproof parts (such as connectors, batteries, mast heads) are not damaged, and that the battery has sufficient power; please make sure that the power system is firmly connected, the battery is installed firmly, and that all connection screws are tightened; please make sure The propeller and protective cover are not damaged or cracked, and sand or other residues must be carefully removed; please confirm that all module units of the product are not damaged and can work normally before use. Users should read the instructions for the location where the electric hydrofoil surfboard is used before use.

  • Make sure the area is legal for the use of electric hydrofoils.
  • Make sure the water in the area is deep enough and the water depth in the use area is at least 5 meters.
  • Make sure the area is clear of obstructions both above and below the water.
  • Make sure the area is clear of swimmers and divers.
  • Choose to stay away from waters where other water sports are taking place.

Steps for usage

After the electric hydrofoil surfboard is assembled, users should follow the following steps to use HW eFoil-1:

  • Transporting the board: Transport the surfboard to an area with suitable water depth. During the transport process, please ensure that the remote control remains turned off.
  • Power on: Press and hold the left and right buttons of the remote control at the same time. After 2 seconds, power on. The five battery indicator lights will light up one by one (light up one by one from left to right) with an interval of 5 seconds. After lighting for 2 seconds, the current battery level will be displayed.
  • Get on the board: Grasp the handles on both sides of the board with both hands, jump up from the tail of the board and climb onto the board, maintain a prone position, and adjust your body posture to maintain balance. When getting on the board, be careful not to hit the hydrofoils and propellers with your legs.
  • Unlock start: Press and hold the right button of the remote control to unlock the remote control. Slowly pull the trigger of the remote control and the surfboard starts to move. When the front of the board tilts up, slowly crawl toward the front of the board until the board is parallel to the water surface.
  • Low-speed practice: Keep the board parallel to the water surface, lie prone on the board and practice at low speed, keeping the gear in the low-speed range (beginners are recommended to start getting familiar with it from 1st gear, and the highest gear should not exceed 8th gear). Turning is achieved by controlling the center of gravity of the body. If the center of gravity is to the left, the surfboard will turn left; if the center of gravity is to the right, the surfboard will turn right. Only when you are proficient enough can you proceed to the next stage.
  • Standing and slipping: The gear gradually increases, adjusts the body's posture into a kneeling position, and after skilled and turns. Keep your body balance and keep the current gear, support one of the feet forward and quickly stand up. After standing, the legs are slightly curved, and your knees are slightly bent. In front of you, you can adjust the standing position of the foot appropriately to keep your body balance. When the front of the plate is upturned, the front foot is stood forward or the front foot is properly standing forward. The left and right turns are appropriately tilted by the body's center of gravity, and the body returns to the middle state after the turn. Only when you are proficient enough can you proceed to the next stage.
  • Flying over water: Continue to adjust the gear to a higher level. Once sufficient speed is reached, the lift of the hydrofoils can lift the board out of the water. The rider needs to tilt the front of the board up a few degrees to achieve takeoff, but the tilt then requires quickly controlling the body's center of gravity to keep the board parallel to the water to maintain a constant height. For example, when the flight speed reaches about 20km/h, the front of the board appears to be tilted up. At this time, the center of gravity should be adjusted forward so that the board is always parallel to the water surface. During flight, you can control the flying height by adjusting the center of gravity. You can turn left and right by appropriately tilting the center of gravity of the body. After the turn, the body returns to the neutral state.

Cycling notes:

  • Please be sure to wear a life jacket and helmet throughout the journey.
  • When you lose your balance and are about to fall into the water, use the last bit of balance in your body to fall as far away from the board as possible. Please be sure to fall behind or to the side of the board to avoid being hit by the board, and release your hand from the throttle trigger immediately to avoid the possibility of the surfboard continuing to run.
  • During the sliding process, the front end of the board should be exposed as much as possible out of the water to maintain a good wireless signal connection.
  • Please do not pull the throttle trigger too hard.
  • Please make sure that your hands do not touch the throttle trigger when swimming back to the board after falling into the water.
  • When surfing, it is recommended to control the speed by switching gears (always hold the throttle trigger to the bottom).
  • Make sure not to go too fast when turning.
  • If you take off too fast or too hard, you can move your feet slightly forward.
  • Flying on the water is faster and more difficult. It is recommended that beginners get familiar with it at a low speed for a certain period of time, and then try this action after they can master the balance well.

Power system warning

  • Do not remove the propeller guard.
  • Do not attempt to secure or touch the propeller in the water.
  • Before use, please make sure that the power system is not damaged and that the propeller and protective cover are free of any sand or other foreign matter.
  • Always keep your body, fingers, and toes away from the propeller when the system is powered on or used in water.
  • When using it in the water, please ensure that your body does not come into contact with the mast or foil.
  • Please make sure to disconnect the power take-off before servicing the propeller.

Battery warning

  • Do not disassemble or modify the battery for other purposes.
  • Do not puncture, impact, shock, drop or deform the battery.
  • Do not install or remove batteries in water.
  • Do not expose the battery to direct sunlight, fire, or high temperatures.
  • Do not mix batteries with other different types of batteries.
  • Do not use modified or damaged batteries or chargers.
  • Do not leave the battery in the charger for more than 24 hours.
  • Do not connect the battery to the wrong terminals in the charger or equipment.
  • Do not leave the battery unattended while it is charging.
  • Do not install the battery on the board body for transportation.
  • Do not place heavy objects on top of the battery or charger.
  • Do not throw away batteries carelessly.
  • Please make sure the battery is kept out of reach of children and pets.
  • Please make sure the battery is placed in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area.
  • For long-term storage, please ensure that the battery power is maintained at 40-60%.
  • Please make sure to carefully check the battery condition before each use.
  • Please ensure that there is no water, sand or other foreign matter in the interface between the battery and the mast.
  • Please rinse the battery with clean fresh water after use.
  • Please be sure to use the original charger to charge the battery.
  • Always use, store, transport and dispose of batteries in strict compliance with local laws and regulations.

After use instructions

  • After use, press and hold the left and right buttons of the remote control simultaneously for 2 seconds to shut down. All five lights of the battery indicator light will be on for 2 seconds, and then the five lights will turn off one by one (from high to low), with an interval of 5 seconds, and a beep will sound to confirm that the surfboard has been turned off.
  • Take the surfboard out of the water. Unscrew the four rotating locks and take out the battery.
  • Use a wrench to unscrew the front and rear wings and take out the hydrofoils.
  • Use a wrench to unscrew the screws holding the mast and take out the mast.
  • Rinse sand and dust from the board and other parts with clean fresh water.

If any problem occurs during use, please stop operation immediately, lie on the board and paddle with both hands back to the shore for inspection. Only after the problem is solved can it be used in the water again. If there is a problem that cannot be solved, please contact Hobbywing after-sales service in time.

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